Why Riego Creek is Right for your Family?
Why Riego Creek is Right for your Family
Welcome to Riego Creek Elementary, home of the Raptors. As the newest addition to the Roseville City School District, we look to build upon the district’s strong foundation and tradition of excellence.
At Riego Creek Elementary, we will be driven by a schoolwide approach to excellence. We will be systemic in how we build our school systems, programs, and traditions. Understanding that culture is the heart and compass of a school, we will use the following building blocks to construct our culture:
- Relationships
- Trust
- Vision
- Community
- Habits
The Riego Creek culture will be woven into the pillars of our success. These pillars will include Students, School, and Family/Community. Each pillar will be an invaluable variable needed to ensure we realize our full potential.
Every student in the Riego Creek family will have the entire Riego Creek team invested in their educational journey. Together the Riego Creek team will maximize our resources, systems, and beliefs to ensure all students achieve and exceed all expectations. Throughout the journey, we will collect data in a systematic manner to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of all elements of our system.
“We do not learn from experience…We learn from reflecting on experience.” John Dewy